Vienna Calling Retrospect: Day 2

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Wednesday. This would be the first actual day of Vienna Calling, with the Kick Off Party at Weberknecht. I had to get up damn early, as I had an appointment with the doctor, and afterwards was working until 5 pm.

In the late afternoon, Kira, CSer number 3, and her dog Tulku, arrived at my place. After everybody was ready (not too easy – one bathroom, 4 persons!), we walked to the party. As Carlos and Mitie were hungry from all the sight seeing they had done, we stopped by to have some typical Viennese food: Kebap.

The party was good, though I was really tired because of getting up so early. There were lots of people I got to know during the last years, at Vienna Calling, or the Wintercamps in Budapest and Targu Mures. And of course there were new people to connect with 🙂