After meeting for the first time one year ago, and meeting many times since, Kerstin has become a dear friend of mine. She is, obviously, a Couchsurfer, and is one of the most active members of the Graz community.
When she left to spend the whole summer, nearly 4 months, to tour through North America, Georg and I of course came to say good-bye. It was a great weekend, ending in an amazing, unexpected (at least by Kerstin) farewell-scene at Graz airport.
And when Kerstin sent a message saying she was planning a welcome home party in Carinthia, we of course made all arrangements necessary to go there!
So again, we spent the last weekend in Carinthia, this time at Falkertsee, in a lovely little house, talking, laughing, relaxing. We walked around Falkertsee, we played Minigolf and Pit-Pat, we had a delicious Brettljause, chocolate cake, Linzer Torte, Limoncello, Weißwurstfrühstück, and – in my opinion best of all – home made Zirbenschnaps. Together with 10 others – family and friends, people we already knew and people we did not meet before – we had a great time.
Thanks a lot again for the invitation, Kersy, and see you at Sturm Graz 🙂
A kind message to all Austrians… Please just call Carinthia, Kärnten. English speakers have never heard of Carinthia before and can’t find it on the map either. The English speakers who do know where it is, just call it Kärnten.