Monday afternoon, I received a last-minute request for Monday night only. The message was really nice, and the profile looked fine, too. Bjarte seemed to be a good surfer and host so far, so I accepted his request.
In the early evening, after work, he met me and some fellow Couchsurfers at Rathausplatz. It is a great place to be, as there is always something going on: Film Festivals, Food Festivals, Sports Events, …
At the moment, there is a Film Festival with lots of Food Stands of different restaurants. They are open already from 11 a.m., so you can have your lunch there.
After having some great food, Bjarte headed back to his car to pick up his stuff. He had a GPS with him, so he would find our place without problems. It took him some time, though, to arrive, as he arranged some more things concerning his car and so on.
We went to Kino am Dach with some friends that night. In Summer, Vienna is full with open air cinemas. Kino am Dach is one of them, situated atop the main library of the city of Vienna. We watched “True Romance” and afterwards went for a beer.
The next day, after some sightseeing with Georg, he went on to Bratislava and then to Budapest. A short stay it was, but I enjoyed it very much and we had a good time 🙂