Chapter 2: The IT-Guys.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

After leaving the Agency, I had one week off. I traveled to Berlin to visit Imre and see May 1st in Kreuzberg, spent 2 nights and half a day on train, and had a blast.

Monday morning, May 2nd 2010, I started my new job. There was no real training from my predecessor, as she had quit about one month before. There was only notes scattered all over my hard drive and some folders in the archive.

It was not easy in the beginning, as it was quiet a new kind of work, but it was fun all along. There was lots of coffee, no problem with breaks, no arguing whatsoever about days off. As long as there would be somebody to answer the phone (and we’re three people here to answer the phone!), I could take a day off. Sometimes, we’d even leave the phone unattended. It was heaven, still.

The job basically contained client communications, and a little project management. I received requests from our clients (and future clients), I checked how we can fulfill their wish and finally, when they said our price was ok, give the job to one of our programmers. When they said it was done, I checked and passed the good news (and the bill, of course) on to the client.

Now sometimes, it was not a change in something already existing, but a whole new project. Selling one of our web or phone applications, always included editing basic information into the application. This of course is not only good for the client, but also for us – to test if everything is working 😉 Editing and inserting this information was also my job, as was introducing somebody at our client’s into the content management system. Really funny things can happen at these introductions, as they are done by phone. For example, if you tell somebody he/she should click button 1, and then button 2, to arrive at a certain menu where he/she could select the object he/she wanted to update, this should be an easy and clear command. Still, there is people who can’t fulfill this …

After little more than one year, I decided to start studying, which means to stop working for some time. It was a hard decision, as the guys at the Software Company were really nice ones, and also the job was interesting and funny, but still – I wanted to concentrate on University (and traveling). After 1 year, 4 months and 2 weeks, this chapter was closed.

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