As my university schedule offers a whole day mostly off on Wednesdays (only Maths from 9 to 10 am), I decided to go for a walk every Wednesday. In order to be more motivated, I told others about it. About a thousand others, as I posted my plans to the Vienna Group.
Now every Wednesday I meet up with some others to have a walk for about one hour, and we change location every time. Like this, I have visited Schönbrunn, Wienerberg and Augarten in the last three weeks. This week, I am planning to go to Prater, and I want to add something else to the Walk and Talk-Meeting: Finding a multi stage geocache. I have already tried once to find it, together with Georg, but we started out too late and it went dark before we were finished. This time, we will start at noon already, so it should be light long enough for us to solve all the riddles.
If anybody wants to join, there is more information available on the CS Meeting Page. I’d love to see you there! If you can’t sign up because you’re not registered on Couchsurfing, just leave a comment.